Economics Corrected - Are You Tired of Gloom, Boom and Doom Economics?

Committee Petitions U.S. Congress

The Committee for Economic Reform and a Better Economic Future petitioned the U.S. Congress today to hold open meetings to discuss and debate their Alternative Economic Stimulus Plan.

The economic stimulus plan does not rely on government bailouts and trillions of dollars of government deficit spending. The stimulus plan they are proposing will not cost the American people anything over time.

As explained to me, there is a major flaw in our economic policies. There is too much debt being created in the inflation economic cycle, which leads to a recession or depression.

When a recession is created, the government repeats the same mistake of creating a huge deficit, to stimulate the economy that leads to inflation. By using the income tax to discourage excessive credit use, to maintain a balanced economy, will help eliminate the endless cycles of inflation and recession.

The currant recession can be corrected without the government creating a huge deficit. By using the Alternative Economic Stimulus Plan to stimulate the economy, it will end the recession without creating another inflation cycle.

Their plan relies on a few policy changes to lower mortgage rates by 2 to 3%, which will reduce most people's monthly mortgage interest payments by 50% when they refinance their mortgages. There-by increasing their disposal income an average of $750.00 per month! That's like receiving a $750.00 stimulus payment every month for 30yrs.

With safe guards included in the plan, the chance of another housing bubble is nil. Their stimulus plan also includes a policy that will help those homeowners that owe more on their mortgages than what the house will sell for.

Our economy has been turned upside down. Instead of the enterprise-capitalistic economic system providing the needs of the citizens, the government is attempting to provide employment, social programs and economic stimuli with a huge deficit. Because of the government's excessive spending, the government will have to either raise taxes or create inflation to reduce the debt.

A problem arises when Congress does not use the increased revenues when the economy comes out of recession and taxes are raised, to decrease the debt. Instead of paying down the debt, they re-inject the money into the economy, thru programs and expenditures, increasing the money supply. Thus creating an inflation economic crisis, that the increased taxation was designed to prevent.

It is the enterprise entity that needs the means of exchange increased to facilitate the exchanging of goods and services. With the correct amount of the means of exchange, the enterprise entity will start working again. By balancing the means of exchange with supply the recession will end and the unemployed will be employed, increasing their disposable income. This will increase economic activity, thereby restating the economy.

Advisers surround President Obama. His primary economic advisors are from the capitalistic entity. He is being incorrectly advised. The capitalist are more concerned about balancing their books than providing the enterprise entity with the means of exchange it needs, which will allow the enterprise entity to work, there-by balancing the books of the capitalistic entity.

On our Federal Reserve notes is printed IN GOD WE TRUST it should read IN THE FED WE TRUST. The government gave its power over the money supply to the Fed. The Fed with its interest rate policies and the government's misguiding tax policies are the people's agencies that created the currant economic crisis. People that did not understand the dangers of credit helped them. Add in greed and you have a perfect storm, heading for a major economic crisis.

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